How to Make Instant Decisions and Remain Happy & Sane: Using Your Inner Compass артикул 10598c.
How to Make Instant Decisions and Remain Happy & Sane: Using Your Inner Compass артикул 10598c.

This is the first book that teaches the reader how to decide instantly in today's complex world of rapid change It reveals that you are custom-designed to make instant decisions It shows how to decide instantly and also check instantly whether your decision is on the right track Discover how to a/ get instant warnings when your decision could harm оечыэ your health or finances, b/ know which decision is right for you, c/create your personal window into the future, d/ successfully use your "gut feelings" andintuition, e/ use your emotions to support sound decisions, f/ stop worrying about making wrong decisions, g/ key into nonverbal communication, h/benefit immediately from your mistakes.  МаршрутыISBN 0966107187.