Apollo Root Cause Analysis - A New Way Of Thinking артикул 10621c.
Apollo Root Cause Analysis - A New Way Of Thinking артикул 10621c.

Apollo Root Cause Analysis is about effective problem solving It is truly a new way of thinking that will ensure you find an effective solution to almost any kind of problem You will discover new communication tools that are revolutionizing the way people all around the world think, communicate, and make decisions together This is a life changing оечюх book that will enable you and your organization to effectively communicate without the usual conflicts Apollo Root Cause Analysis creates a common reality that everyone can see and understand With this common reality, communications becomes crystal clear for everyone involved Everyone can clearly see how the solutions will prevent recurrence, are within their control and will accomplish their goals and objectives Imagine your next meeting without the usual arguments and power politics Nothing happens without a cause You will learn more about the cause and effect principle than has ever been documented before Most notable is the fact that every timewe ask why? we should find at least two causes and when we continue to ask why? we discover that there is an infinite set of causes limited only by our lack of knowledge By documenting these branched causes we are able to create a visual dialog that ensures an effective solution every time You will learn why 70% to 80% of the general population are ineffective problem solvers and why conventional problem solving methods dont work You will also learn the secrets of highly effective problem solvers The book opens with a chapter on the pitfalls of problem solving and why 70% to 80% of the population are ineffective problem solvers Chapter 2 provides a complete description of the cause and effect principle to include a new discussion on why our linear language causes linear thinking which prevents effective problem solving Chapter 3 provides a complete description of the Apollo tools to include a completely new way of looking at evidence Chapter 4 is all about effective solutions Chapter 5 discusses how to institutionalize the Apollo methodology and chapter 6 covers how to facilitate an investigation Included in this discussion is how to avoid the common traps of ineffective problem solving The book also includes an Appendix that compares the different root cause analysis methods.  ШкатулкаISBN 1883677017.